Dog Theme Party Dog Birthday Party Theme?

Dog birthday party theme? - dog theme party

I'm not sure what should be the theme of my birthday Cubs 1st

I thought, "Bolt" But some wanted to do something a little more suitable for a baby. Finally, they are only 1 I also think of Winnie the Pooh, but I do not know, a game to have a dog. For more ideas, please help, what you have with your dog?


ßεІІα CuІІεи ♥ said...

Aww, how sweet:)

Um ...
Bolt if I ..
Or Beverly Hills Chihuahua, Legally Blonde, or (2).
Or present only a matter of performance, such as bone, and others.
God Bless \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ u0026lt, 3
Good luck!

dankman said...

I never thought a birthday party for my dog, unless I was looking for an excuse to drink. It is a topic of beer.

dankman said...

I never thought a birthday party for my dog, unless I was looking for an excuse to drink. It is a topic of beer.

Bob said...

Why not a ham bone puppy well, while you and your friends singing happy birthday and open presents!

astronaut lass said...

Balto! Superhero or dogs in 101 Dalmatians

Lisa said...

Try these sites:

LuckyDuc... said...

Luv the idea oi ago! What about Clifford? Snoopy? lol

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