Why I Have Creamy White Thick Mucus 7 Days After Ovulation Cervical Mucus After Ovulation?
Cervical mucus after ovulation? - why i have creamy white thick mucus 7 days after ovulation
I have a thick creamy white cervical mucus 1dpo and I am now 7 DPO. Is this normal? I hear it is a symptom of pregnancy, but I know someone who has been pregnant before.
Also my other symptoms are back pain, hot flashes, feeling of floating in the womb.
Sounds like it! But wait the end of the week time to the test! It may take up to two months to show a positive result! Good luck! Baby Powder ~ ~
and nothing usually happens at 6 8dpo. However, you never know! Dont go crazy for the next few weeks with the symptoms or if your body starts to create them! (Trust me .. I have exactly the same now. I have some weird stomach cramps, but I do not want Phycis me out!) Good luck!
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