Lap Top Da Hannah Montana Can A Judge Change A Sentence In A Plea Bargain? What If He Thinks It Was To Harsh?

Can a judge change a sentence in a plea bargain? what if he thinks it was to harsh? - lap top da hannah montana

I have no criminal record, and I am innocent of the crime, but because of the threat posed by the prosecutor that he had to close a deal with the theft of a laptop (I took a bag of books in a store that has closed its doors once again lost and found was closed so I went into the shop and returned 2 days later because of work and found that there was no bag was opened and fell. So she turned the bag later found computer when II went to the business or goodwill donation drop of my high school friends when one of the bags burst, and the dental team and fell, I thought that a person made a mistake, so I can find a wheel to equipment and prosthetics, which was closed, closed so that I No information on could see, put this one). My lawyer, for whatever reason, do not help at all, and I know the system. I refused to do 3 years probation and 90 days free of charge, to be the end of the work. What does this mean? And if I have more charcter Letters 25, leading to a reduction in pain? I am a good person to work helpping seniors with low incomes and make a lot of work for the church and spiral ONo refill. Please reply if you have any help. This is all new to me


Anonymous said...

Yes, I think it has happened here in New York. Depend on the conditions and the behavior of the defendant. Good luck, and I will pray for you. ^___^

Anonymous said...

Yes, I think it has happened here in New York. Depend on the conditions and the behavior of the defendant. Good luck, and I will pray for you. ^___^

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